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    Chairman of the Board Henrik Topsøe resigns due to illness (Press Releases)

    5 min read Financial release
    Last Reviewed On February 05, 2025
    Written By

    Svend Ravn

    Chairman of the Board Henrik Topsøe resigns due to illness (Press Releases) featured image
    Dr. Henrik Topsøe, Chariman

    Vice Chairman Jeppe Christiansen becomes new Chairman of the Board of Haldor Topsoe A/S.

    • Chairman of the Board Henrik Topsøe has decided to resign from the Board due to cancer.
    • New Chairman is Jeppe Christiansen – one of the company’s two Vice Chairmen.
    • Jakob Haldor Topsøe takes over as Vice Chairman after Jeppe Christiansen – he is a member of the Board of Haldor Topsoe A/S and Chairman of the Board of the parent company Haldor Topsoe Holding A/S.
    • Going forward, the Chairmanship consists of Jeppe Christiansen, Jakob Haldor Topsøe and the company’s other Vice Chairman, Jørgen Huno Rasmussen.

    Having been ill with serious cancer for some time, Henrik Topsøe has decided to resign as Chairman of the Board of Haldor Topsoe A/S as of today. On the recommendation of the Board as well as the parent company Haldor Topsoe Holding A/S, Jeppe Christiansen has been elected new Chairman.

    “Even though I regret leaving the exciting work in the Board, I am also delighted to be able to hand over a well-managed company to my successor. We are all very happy that Jeppe Christiansen has accepted the task as Chairman of the Board. He is not only inspiring to work with; he has a deep-rooted knowledge of the company and has done an excellent job,” says Henrik Topsøe.

    Position of trust

    The new Chairman looks forward to heading the development and expansion of the company:

    “I have made no secret of the fact that to me the company Haldor Topsoe is somewhat of a national treasure. It is an honor that the owners has entrusted me with the position as Chairman. I will strive to ensure that our decisions will always serve the company, customers and employees in the best possible way,” says Jeppe Christiansen and continues:

    “I have really valued my collaboration with Henrik Topsøe. He is a modest man but is very highly respected both as an internationally acclaimed research scientist and among the company’s customers and employees. His personal drive and unceasing commitment through 42 years have led to many and important results. Therefore, I am pleased that Henrik has accepted to remain in our Innovation Committee so we can continue to benefit from his unique insight into research and development. He will also keep on developing and nurturing customer relations internationally.”

    The owners provide the new Vice Chairman

    The position as Vice Chairman after Jeppe Christiansen is filled by Jakob Haldor Topsøe who represents the family ownership in the Board of Haldor Topsoe A/S and the parent company Haldor Topsoe Holding A/S. He is also very pleased with the appointment of the new Chairman:

    “It has always been inspiring to work with both Jeppe Christiansen and Jørgen Huno Rasmussen. I look forward to beginning the work in the Chairmanship with them.”

    About Henrik Topsøe’s contribution to the Group, Jakob Topsøe says: “Henrik’s monumental importance for the Group is probably not known to many outsiders; and his importance will continue. Even during the course of his disease, he has demonstrated almost unreal energy and determination. It has made a huge impression on everybody who knows him, and we are very pleased that Henrik will continue his work outside the boardroom.”

    Competences strengthened and expanded

    In his time as Chairman, Henrik Topsøe has headed the effort to expand and strengthen the competences of the company’s Board so that it today comprises strong scientific, engineering and business profiles on top management level.

    “I am very proud to have headed – together with the rest of the Chairmanship – the professionalization that we have carried out in the Board over the last years. Not only has it brought us new inspiration and fresh perspectives – it has also led to what I will not hesitate to call a highly competent and well-functioning board. In this connection, it has been very valuable that Jakob Haldor Topsøe and Christina Topsøe, who both represent the owners also in the Board of the holding company, have played a very active role,” says Henrik Topsøe.

    As of today, the Board of Haldor Topsoe A/S consists of: Jeppe Christiansen, Jørgen Huno Rasmussen, Jakob Haldor Topsøe, Christina Teng Topsøe, Jens Kehlet Nørskov, Henrik Stiesdal, Anders Heine Jensen and the employee-elected members; Jette Søvang Christiansen, Aino Irene Saldo, Søren Toft and Martin Østberg.

    About Henrik Topsøe

    1967 – Chemical engineer.  PhD from Stanford University, USA.

    1974 – Employed at the laboratory of his father’s company Haldor Topsoe

    1986 – Member of the company’s top management

    1993 – Member of the Board of Directors

    1996 – Adjunct professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) which he remained until 2014

    1998 – Named most quoted industrial researcher within catalysis

    2000 – Received François Gault Lectureship Award as the first industrial researcher

    2005 – Awarded The Eugene J. Houdry Award by The North American Catalysis Society

    2008 – Executive Vice President of Haldor Topsøe A/S

    2012 – Vice Chairman of the Board

    2013 – Elected Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Engineering (US)

    2013 – After the death of his father, Chairman of the Board

    2015 – Knight of the Order of Dannebrog

    Henrik Topsøe has been member of the boards of a number of international scientific organizations.

    About Jeppe Christiansen

    1985 – MSc (Economics, University of Copenhagen)

    1986 – Economist at the bank Sparekassen SDS

    1988 – Head of Fund Management and later Executive Vice President, LD Pension Fund

    1998 – Executive Director, Danske Bank

    2004-09 – CEO, LD Pension Fund

    2005 – CEO, co-owner and founder, Maj Invest group

    Member of the boards of: Kirkbi A/S, Novo A/S, Symphogen A/S, Novo Nordisk A/S (Vice Chairman) and Haldor Topsoe A/S (Chairman)

    About Jakob Topsøe

    1992 – Assistant Portfolio Manager, Hafnia Bank

    1994 – Graduate Diploma (Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School)

    1994 – Finance Associate, Haldor Topsoe A/S

    1996 – Portfolio Manager, Alfred Berg Asset Management

    1997 – Senior Equity Sales, Alfred Berg Bank

    2001 – Deputy Head of Sales/ Nordic Equities to Continental Europe, Alfred Berg ABN AMRO

    2003 – Senior Equity Sales – Alfred Berg ABN AMRO

    2005 – Head of Sales, ABN AMRO Bank, Denmark

    2006 – Head of Equities, ABN AMRO Bank, Denmark

    2009 – Partner, co-founder, co-owner, AMBROX Capital A/S

    Member of the boards of: Deltaq A/S, Bollerup Jensen A/S, Haldor Topsoe Holding A/S (Chairman), Haldor Topsoe Inc., and Haldor Topsoe A/S (Vice Chairman)


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