Expert Articles

Thaioil chooses SNOX™ air quality control for Sriracha refinery

Written by Svend Ravn | Apr 14, 2020 10:00:00 PM
  • Thai Oil Public Company Limited (Thaioil) has signed an agreement for Topsoe’s SNOX™ solution to efficiently remove sulfur and nitrogen oxides and dust emissions from their Sriracha Refinery in the Chonburi province in the east of Thailand.
  • This is part of Thaioil’s 5-billion-dollar Clean Fuel Project to produce cleaner transport fuels in a more environmentally friendly way.
  • The project is expected to boost capacity from 275,000 to 400,000 barrels per day – while improving energy efficiency and the impact on the environment.

The agreement comprises proprietary equipment and catalyst supply for Haldor Topsoe's air quality control technology SNOX™. This initiative to secure compliance with air emission regulations for a new energy recovery unit at the Sriracha Refinery is part of Thaioil’s Clean Fuel Project.

The Sriracha Refinery’s new energy recovery unit will use three parallel SNOX™ lines to remove sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and dust from the new circulating fluidized bed boilers. Sulfur is recovered as commercial grade concentrated sulfuric acid and the nitrogen oxides are reduced to free nitrogen.

Thaioil will use Topsoe's SNOX™ technology to remove sulfur and nitrogen oxides and dust emissions from their Sriracha Refinery. 

The SNOX™ process includes energy recovery by recycling of surplus heat to reduce energy consumption in the boilers. Another benefit of using SNOX™ in a refinery is that it can also handle additional sulfurous waste streams such as H2S gas, sour water stripper gas and Claus tail gas.

Thaioil has also chosen other Topsoe technologies and licenses for its new and environmentally friendly Sriracha Refinery, including hydrotreater.


About Thaioil
Thaioil is Thailand’s largest refinery and supplier of petroleum products. Founded in 1961, the company operates one of the most efficient refineries in Asia Pacific with a current capacity of 275,000 barrels per day. Thaioil operates under the Operational Excellence principle, operating as an integrated group of businesses in oil refinery, petrochemicals and lube base oil with supporting businesses, e.g. power generation, solvents, logistics and renewable energy generation, LAB (an intermediate in the production of surfactants), marine and pipeline transportation and storage services of crude, petroleum and petrochemical products, as well as recruitment services for Thaioil and Subsidiaries. Thaioil leads the Thai refinery industry through a well-planned and integrated production process, yielding optimum efficiency. The company’s products are of high quality, rated in the top quartile of refineries in Asia Pacific, at lower production costs – giving Thaioil a recognized competitive advantage.