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    October 7, 2024

    Why experience is crucial in delivering large-scale, cost-efficient ammonia cracking

    Ammonia's increasingly rapid growth as an energy carrier and storage medium for hydrogen is a fairly recent phenomenon. As the global energy paradigm shifts toward low-carbon gathers pace, ammonia has stepped forward as a prominent potential player in the energy transition both as a fuel on its own terms and as a transportation method for hydrogen. But experience is key to cracking open the opportunities available.

    Ammonia is ideal for hydrogen transportation

    The robust and scalable nature of the ammonia supply chain has solidified its appeal. With over 20 million tons of ammonia already traversing the globe, the emergence of mega-scale blue hydrogen and ammonia projects, and advancements in green production, the market is witnessing unprecedented growth. 

    Hydrogen can be turned into ammonia in a straightforward manner through the established Haber-Bosch process. As ammonia can be transported as a liquid and has a much higher energy density compared to compressed hydrogen gas, it can be used as an extremely efficient way to transport hydrogen globally. Once the ammonia reaches its destination, it can be converted back into hydrogen via the ammonia cracking process.

    Because of the obvious advantages of ammonia as a hydrogen carrier, this area has received a lot of interest in recent years and is set for further growth. But ammonia cracking, for many, is mistaken as a new or emerging technology. In a small amount of time, ammonia cracking has attracted interest from established energy and fuel companies seeking a new business stream to new players powered by innovation and driven by ambition. But in an uncharted territory – especially one peppered with differing solutions and catalysts – there are few maps to guide producers to certain success.

    Experience delivers multiple benefits in a growth area

    In this landscape, seeking an experienced partner can be crucial. They can not only provide proven solutions and optimized technology, but also bring knowledge and experience to the table, allowing pitfalls to be avoided and plans to be streamlined.

    Topsoe’s experience with large-scale industrial ammonia cracking, surprisingly to many, goes back several decades. In fact, Topsoe initially developed its ammonia cracking technology in 1978 with a focus on heavy water production. The largest ammonia cracking facility was established in Argentina in 1993, capable of cracking 2 x 2,400 MT of ammonia per day across two parallel lines.

    This large-scale plant was used for heavy water production rather than for cracking ammonia to hydrogen for fuel. However, the process is the same and this has allowed Topsoe to create elite ammonia cracking technology, along with corrosive-resistant materials, and a catalyst solution with a lifespan exceeding 100,000 hours (about 11 and a half years) - all refined through decades of industrial use and optimization.

    Our extensive experience in catalyst development and manufacturing, coupled with numerous insights gained over decades of operation, has positioned us uniquely in the field of ammonia cracking. Leveraging this expertise, we launched the first large-scale ammonia cracking technology for commercial hydrogen production in 2022.

    Five ways an experienced partner delivers real benefit 

    As ammonia cracking technology becomes more widespread and project ambitions increase, new questions will likely arise. From experience, Topsoe can share best practices for successful partnership from service to catalyst choice. 

    1. A focus on cost and profitability
    Any new ammonia cracking venture has a focus on profitability – and that means production efficiency. The energy and hydrogen efficiency of Topsoe’s H2Retake technology ensures the best possible business case for an ammonia cracking plant. The efficiency is achieved through a streamlined ammonia cracking design, optimized heat and off stream integration and careful catalyst selection. H2Retake™ achieves an impressive energy efficiency of 96%, making it a highly cost-effective and sustainable solution. Read more

    2. Decades of catalyst learnings and technology optimization at your service
    Decades of experience in ammonia cracking, means Topsoe not only has optimized process efficiency but also has the experience in optimal choice of reactor materials and catalysts. We can help customers with an optimized technical solution and the right choice or materials and catslyst to ensure trouble free operation over the plant life time. Read more  

    3. Design and flexibility
    An optimal design of an ammonia cracking facility should meet local requirements and characteristics. When you have new or unique requirements, this is more important than ever. Remember, things change. Sometimes this can be your requirements, other times it might be a new challenge, altered legislation, a technological development, or an optimization opportunity. It is crucial to be flexible to take advantage of shifting landscapes.  

    4. Customer-Focused Partnership
    R&D-driven innovation, experience-based knowledge, attentive, service-minded experts and mutual trust and collaboration: These are the four pillars upon which Topsoe and our customers build our partnerships. This means we constantly innovate and improve – and pass these benefits on to customers; we bring vast experience and hands-on knowledge to each project, covering testing, design, technology and ways of working; our people always see a customer’s ambition and target as our own ambition and target; and, through competence, reliability and results, we build a partnership for the long term.   

    5. Frequent, transparent communication  
    When breaking new ground, there needs to be a lot of constructive, forward-thinking dialog: this ensures everyone is on top of latest developments, and the customer’s goals are always in sight. For instance, the question “if we change that, then how will that impact other factors?” is a recurring conversation, but one that makes sure aims are met. This open dialog also builds customer trust for the long-term, where Topsoe becomes a value-driving partner. 

    Time to get cracking?

    The rapid growth of ammonia as a hydrogen energy carrier and storage medium has handed it a vital role in the global energy mix. The scalability and efficiency of ammonia cracking, particularly with advanced technologies like Topsoe’s H2Retake, present significant opportunities for the burgeoning industry. Leveraging decades of experience and continuous innovation, Topsoe stands ready to guide ventures through the complexities of ammonia cracking, helping achieve profitability and efficiency. As the market evolves, collaboration and communication remain crucial. Partnering with Topsoe to navigate this dynamic landscape can help customers achieve ammonia cracking goals.

    Ready to optimize your ammonia cracking operations? Contact us today and get started.


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