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    November 23, 2021

    A clear path: Meet market demands for synthetic jet fuel and diesel with G2L™

    The demand for more environmentally sustainable fuels is rising globally. While several technical, infrastructural, and legislative challenges remain to be solved before most new types of fuels can be marketed, the path is already cleared for G2L™ products.


    Around the world, governments and industries are setting increasingly ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets. But if the world’s countries and companies are to reach their ambitious goals, decarbonizing the transportation sector is crucial, as some of the highest levels of GHG emissions come from transportation.


    A main challenge in this regard is how to produce carbon neutral fuels at an industrial scale and competitive production costs.


    There are several different production routes to choose from, but they come with significant challenges; getting certification in place, establishing consistent access to feedstocks, and investing heavily in new technologies.


    Among these solutions, G2L™ stands out as the most proven route to synthetic fuels. This solution allows you to transform natural gas, into a range of high-quality fuels and chemical products at an industrial scale. 


    G2L™ can also be delivered as the G2L™ eFuels solution, that enables production of carbon neutral synthetic fuels from CO2 and green hydrogen.


    Many G2L™ products are fully certified and are proven to be of excellent quality. Even so, the market demand and much of the required infrastructure are already in place. 


    This article discusses two of the most promising opportunities with G2L™; production of commercial jet fuel and diesel.


    The sky is the limit: G2L™ jet fuel

    The drive for sustainable energy transformation presents several challenges for decision-makers and investors, especially in hard-to-abate sectors.


    One such sector is the airline industry because both the world’s fleet of legacy planes and future planes will rely on liquid fuel blends for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the decarbonizing of aviation will create a lasting and robust demand for synthetic kerosene and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).


    Thanks to the synthesis gas, Fischer Tropsch and hydroprocessing technologies, G2L™ efficiently produces synthetic kerosene. 


    G2L™ jet fuel improves jet engine efficiency, is clean-burning, and emits low NOx, SOx, and particulate matter levels. It also ensures reduced contrail formation, providing a significant positive climate impact, as contrails have been established as a substantial contributor to global warming in research measuring real-world effects.


    Sasol has pioneered the certification of synthetic jet fuel for more than a decade, enabling its use in commercial aviation. Today, the product is fully certified under ASTM D7566 as Jet A-1 fuel in up to 50% blending with crude-derived Jet A-1.


    In other words, entering the market for climate-friendly aviation fuel is an excellent proposition.


    An open monetization road: G2L™ diesel

    While the world’s car producers look to shift to electrical engines, producers of heavy vehicles will continue to rely on liquid fuels for decades ahead. But as the road transportation sector is also under pressure to reduce GHG emissions, the market for synthetic diesel is growing considerably.


    A G2L™ operation can produce synthetic diesel, a better product in almost any regard, compared to conventional diesel.


    It ignites readily, emits no aromatics or sulfur, and creates fewer deposits with a very high cetane number. It also ensures lower oil consumption, better engine performance, reduced engine noise, and meets EURO 6 emission standards.


    The market for synthetic diesel is already partly established, especially in Europe, and with rising CO2 penalties on crude oil diesel, the production price for G2L™ diesel is increasingly competitive. Even so, synthetic diesel is fully fungible. It requires no new infrastructure and can be utilized in blending applications and for upgrading batches of high-sulfur diesel.


    In short, G2L™ diesel has the potential to provide a significant positive climate impact and is in demand – today and for years to come.


    More opportunities with G2L™

    With a growing arbitrage between low feedstock prices and high premium product prices, the G2L™ economics equation is increasingly favorable. What’s more, the solution provides several benefits for plant owners.


    G2L™ is a Gas-to-Liquids solution, the industry-recognized solution for monetizing gas resources, by converting gas to synthetic liquid fuels. The process combines and integrates four best-in-class technologies, ensuring optimum performance, minimized footprint, improved yields, and a reliable solution at competitive costs.


    Even so, the technologies in and around a G2L™ plant can be combined and tailored to maximize the utilization of renewable energy and captured CO2 to produce carbon neutral synthetic fuels. The G2L™ eFuels solution opens several commercial opportunities, with a product slate that can be tailored to market needs.


    Unlike any other Gas-to-Liquids or eFuels solutions, G2L™ offers a single license to build and operate a fully integrated commercial plant. This model allows you to maximize the value output from natural gas, methane-rich gas, biogas, CO2, water, and electricity reserves. Read more about this here.

    From gas to liquids or eFuels

    Illustration: From gas to liquids or eFuels

    Tailored to market needs
    G2L™ enables several commercial opportunities, with a product slate that can be tailored to market needs. This model shows three output options:

    Three outout options: Diesel, Mix and Jet

    Illustration: Three outout options: Diesel, Mix and Jet

    Topsoe at a glance
    Haldor Topsoe is a global leader in supply of catalysts, technology, and services to the chemical and refining industries. Topsoe aims to be the global leader within carbon emission reduction technologies by 2024. By perfecting chemistry for a better world, we enable our customers to succeed in the transition towards renewable energy. Topsoe is headquartered in Denmark and serves customers around the globe.

    Sasol at a glance
    Sasol is a global integrated chemicals and energy company spanning 30 countries. Sustainability has become a major driver in our business where we advance chemical and energy solutions that contribute to a thriving planet, society, and enterprise. We develop and commercialize technologies and build and operate world-scale facilities to produce a range of high-value product streams, including liquid fuels, chemicals, and low-carbon electricity. We are an entrepreneurial, agile, truly global team that connects our unique technologies with our customers and partners to create value and develop sustainable solution for a better world.


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