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    Perfecting chemistry for a better world

    Turning waste CO2 into feedstock
    CO2 capture and CO2 utilization technologies are receiving a lot of attention in the context of combating climate change. ReShift™, Topsoe’s CO2 reforming technology, offers...
    June 11, 2020
    3 minute read
    Topsoe launches TITAN™ steam reforming catalyst series with boosted reliability and efficiency
    Topsoe’s new TITAN™ series of steam reforming catalysts offers improved performance and longer catalyst lifetime thanks to the hibonite-rich composition. The TITAN™ series...
    February 18, 2020
    2 minute read
    Haldor Topsoe and Sasol unite to offer customers single-point licenses for proven gas-to-liquids solutions
    Sasol and Haldor Topsoe, two of the global leaders in gas-to-liquids (GTL) technology, have entered into a collaboration agreement to offer G2L™- single-point licensing of...
    December 2, 2019
    3 minute read
    Topsoe to build demonstration plant to produce cost-competitive CO2-neutral methanol from biogas and green electricity
    Haldor Topsoe will build a 10 kg/hour methanol plant to demonstrate the company’s electrified and extremely compact eSMR Methanol™ technology for cost-competitive production...
    July 16, 2019
    3 minute read
    Article in Science: Extremely compact reactor has potential to reduce global CO2 emissions significantly
    An article in the esteemed Science magazine suggests that as much as one percent of global CO2 emissions can be saved if electrified, and significantly more compact,...
    May 24, 2019
    3 minute read
    New trends and opportunities in hydrogen production
    Hydrogen can be central for long-term storage of renewable electricity production and both fossil and renewable production routes for hydrogen will most probably grow in...
    January 22, 2019
    4 minute read

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