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Topsoe’s WSA technology lowers cost and cuts emissions at PetroPeru Talara Refinery

Written by Topsoe | 07.03.2025

PetroPeru recently integrated our wet sulfuric acid (WSA) technology to convert waste gases from their Amine and sour water stripper (SWS) units into valuable sulfuric acid at their Talara operations, Peru’s largest refinery. Since the implementation, the WSA technology has helped PetroPeru reduce carbon emissions in a cost-effective manner, allowing them to align with Peru’s environmental goals and the global drive toward lower-emissions industrial practices.

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the waste gas produced during refinery processes can have a negative impact on the environment if released into the atmosphere. With WSA technology, this hydrogen sulfide is combusted into sulfur dioxide (SO2) and then catalytically oxidized into sulfur trioxide (SO3) and, by reaction with water, converted to sulfuric acid (H2SO4).

Better for the environment, better for business
The commercial grade concentrated sulfuric acid can then be used in a variety of industrial applications, including locally in the Peruvian copper extraction sector and to make fertilizer. In this way, the WSA process not only reduces emissions of sulfur (a contributor to acid rain and air pollution) into the atmosphere to near zero, but it also produces a valuable byproduct for local industry. This creates a new revenue stream for PetroPeru and reduces the amount of sulfuric acid Peru needs to import.

At PetroPeru, WSA has proven to be a highly efficient and cost-effective technology for sulfur abatement as it utilizes only air, cooling water and boiler-feed water with no emissions or effluents. The process can remove 99.99% of sulfur content, ensuring compliance with low-emission standards and legislation. 

A further emissions-reduction benefit
Additionally, the heat generated from converting sulfur components into sulfuric acid also produces steam that can be directly used within refinery operations. This steam serves as an alternative to steam produced in traditional boilers that would typically require natural gas for fuel. Thus, by utilizing steam from the WSA process, the refinery effectively reduces its reliance on natural gas, thereby cutting down on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with fossil fuel combustion. 

The benefits of the technology, including managing emissions, removing sulfur from fuels and generating 
energy for internal use through steam production have allowed PetroPeru to become a regional benchmark, hosting visits from various companies from Chile and Brazil.

“We are delighted with the results of the WSA solution at PetroPeru,” comments Anders Norup Olsen, SVP for Clean Air at Topsoe. “Not only does it stop harmful emissions being released into the atmosphere, but it also creates a useful byproduct for local industry and helps cut natural gas use and associated GHG emissions. It’s a true win-win-win 