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    At Topsoe we are committed to conducting our business in a sustainable, responsible and compliant manner. We comply with applicable laws and maintain high ethical standards, as described in our Topsoe Code of Conduct and underlying internal policies and procedures.

    Code of Conduct

    Topsoe’s Code of Conduct sets out the conduct and behavior  that we at Topsoe expect of each other and seek out in our  business partners, and it addresses the issues that are most  critically important for our business. At Topsoe we are committed to conducting business in an ethical, safe, and sustainable manner, complying with all  applicable laws, regulations, and other  stakeholder requirements, and applying responsible standards  where relevant laws and regulations are lacking. Our Code of Conduct is our commitment to our customers, business partners,  and other stakeholders, and a guide and reminder to every  Topsoe employee worldwide.

    Our Code of Conduct is available in three languages:


    Topsoe Compliance Hotline

    The Topsoe Compliance Hotline is a secure online portal, administered by a third-party provider,  through which any interested person can report to Topsoe, anonymously if desired, about any  issue that he or she believes could pose a serious threat to life, health, or the environment, or a  material threat to Topsoe as a company. For more information, please visit our page about the hotline here or access the Topsoe Compliance Hotline directly, here: Topsoe Compliance Hotline.
