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    We service the capital markets with open, reliable and correct information and are committed to openly disclose our performance and progress on financial and non-financial performance indicators to our stakeholders.  

    Since 2018, we have annually published a sustainability report. From 2022, we have decided to combine our annual and sustainability reporting into one single publication, to meet upcoming reporting requirements as well as external stakeholder expectations of integrated reporting on ESG factors material to Topsoe.   

    Since 2020, our sustainability reporting has constituted our Communication on Progress in implementing the ten UN Global Compact principles of responsible business conduct. From 2024, we will report under the new COP reporting framework.

    Annual reports and financial releases 


    Topsoe A/S publishes an annual report and a half-yearly report.  

    Annual report 2024 is published March 7, 2025.  

    Read more HERE