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    February 8, 2021

    Haldor Topsoe donates 1 million DKK to children through UNICEF’s COVID-19 support

    • As a Global COVID-19 Emergency Partner to UNICEF, Haldor Topsoe supports vulnerable children who are severely impacted by COVID-19.
    • Haldor Topsoe donates 1 million Danish kroner to UNICEF and supports the provision of global humanitarian assistance to children affected by the corona pandemic.
    Janna 9 years, Indonesia © UNICEF/UNI217301/Kokic.

    The partnership between Topsoe and UNICEF is part of Topsoe’s aim to empower the next generation in attaining the possibility to create a socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable future for themselves, their families and society at large. Topsoe wants to engage with its immediate communities and help enable children to live dignified and empowered lives.

    “We see families and local communities in all parts of the world being severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which further complicates access to health and education for vulnerable children. In line with our company purpose about perfecting chemistry for a better world, we support UNICEF in mitigating some of these negative developments and getting children back in school under safe conditions,” says Louise Bjerregård Nielsen, Head of Sustainability, Haldor Topsoe.

    "Haldor Topsoe was among the first companies who reached out to UNICEF when the pandemic hit. From the very beginning, they have shown true dedication to supporting children throughout this crisis, and to re-building a sustainable world where children thrive, prosper and are given the opportunities they deserve. The fact that Haldor Topsoe are now commiting to a long-term global COVID-19 partnership with UNICEF, underlines their dedication, and for that we are truly grateful," says Karen Hækkerup, Executive Director of UNICEF Denmark.

    About the Global COVID-19 partnership with UNICEF
    In Spring 2020, Haldor Topsoe initiated the partnership with UNICEF to provide Covid-19 community support to families in China and Iran. Becoming a Global COVID-19 Emergency Partner to UNICEF further emphasizes the close partnership. Topsoe will support UNICEF in providing global humanitarian assistance to children affected by the corona pandemic. This includes providing children the opportunity to wash hands with soap, which is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the disease; ensuring that children get back in school when schools reopen; delivering support to the health systems being under pressure; and ensuring protection (masks, gloves, soap) to health workers.

    About Haldor Topsoe A/S
    Haldor Topsoe is the world leader in high-performance catalysts and proprietary technologies for the chemical and refining industries. Based on cutting-edge research and development, we help our customers achieve optimal performance in all phases from design to daily operations – in the most responsible way. Topsoe is headquartered in Denmark and serves customers across the globe. In 2019, our revenue was approximately DKK 6 billion, and we employ more than 2,300 employees.

    More information
    Ulrik Frøhlke, Media Advisor, Global Communications, Haldor Topsoe
    Phone: +45 27 77 99 68

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