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    January 21, 2020

    Gaz Sintez chooses SynCOR Methanol™ for plant near Saint Petersburg, Russia

    • Gaz Sintez has nominated Haldor Topsoe as licensor of its methanol plant in the Leningrad Region, Russia.
    • The plant will produce 1.6 million tons per year of АА grade methanol based on Topsoe’s SynCOR Methanol™ technology.

    Gaz Sintez is developing the methanol plant project at the port of Vysotsk in the Leningrad Region of Russia. As announced earlier, Hyundai Engineering has started the development of the FEED-package, and NIIK has been awarded the Russian general designer contract. The plant is expected to be completed in 2023.topsoe_syncor_atr

    SynCOR Methanol™ features single-stage oxygen reforming, a methanol synthesis loop and rectification. It is the most cost-efficient large-scale methanol technology in industrial operation today. Capacities can be up to 10,000 tons per day of methanol. It also offers considerable environmental advantages, leaving a smaller CO2 footprint, and lower water consumption compared to traditional licensed technologies.

    Based on 70 years of experience within synthesis gas, all SynCOR™ solutions offer more than 99% availability and unsurpassed economy of scale. SynCOR™ solutions are suitable for large-scale grassroots ammonia, methanol, hydrogen, CO, TIGAS™, and gas-to-liquid (GTL) plants, as well as syngas hubs producing multiple products.

    Methanol SynCOR

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