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    January 25, 2022

    Haldor Topsoe becomes member of Hydrogen Council to promote green hydrogen solutions

    • The Hydrogen Council is an ideal platform for enabling the energy transition through partnerships.
    • Topsoe membership of Hydrogen Council will accelerate Power-to-X solutions for the hard-to-abate sectors including steel, cement, mining, and heavy transportation.
    • Topsoe is the first Danish company to join the Hydrogen Council.


    We are excited to join the Hydrogen Council as it resonates very well with Topsoe´s mission to help our customers reduce their carbon footprint radically every year. We look forward to the cooperation with the Council´s members to accelerate the deployment of green hydrogen solutions in the hard-to-abate sectors – and pass on a better world to our children”, says Roeland Baan, CEO at Topsoe.

    The Hydrogen Council constitutes the entire value chain within hydrogen and includes companies and industries from around the world, that all have a shared interest in promoting the deployment of hydrogen for a variety of uses. This is a unique global platform, that Topsoe will use as a forum to share expertise and knowledge around low-carbon hydrogen solutions

    “Being onboard the Hydrogen Council supports us with a strong collaboration platform with other key industrial players to speed up the energy transition. In particular, we will use the membership to unlock market potential for our Power-to-X solutions to decarbonize the “hard-to-abate” sectors globally,” says Roeland Baan.

    “The Hydrogen Council is very pleased to welcome Haldor Topsoe, its first Danish member and a global leader in green energy solutions including Power-to-X. In the fight against climate change, Power-to-X and electrolysis to produce green hydrogen are among the most efficient enablers,” says Daryl Wilson, Executive Director of Hydrogen Council.

    Also Temasek, shareholder of Topsoe, has joined the Hydrogen Council as a new Investor Member of the Hydrogen Council.

    About Hydrogen Council
    The Hydrogen Council is a global CEO-led initiative of leading companies with a united vision and long-term ambition: For hydrogen to foster the clean energy transition for a better, more resilient future.

    • Founded in 2017 at World Economic Forum in Davos
    • Represents 134 members across more than 20 countries and across the energy, electrolysis, transportation industries and more
    • Gathers key players of the development of a hydrogen economy.

    About Topsoe
    Topsoe aims to be recognized as the global leader in carbon emission reduction technologies by 2024. As a world leader in electrolyzers, catalysts, and technology, we are heavily engaged in developing solutions for decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors such as steel, cement, chemicals, shipping and aviation. Our solutions produce essential renewable energy carriers, fuels, and chemicals of the future, such as green hydrogen, green ammonia and eMethanol. Our foundation is Topsoe’s market-leading and energy-efficient technologies to produce chemicals and fuels. Topsoe is headquartered in Denmark and serves customers around the globe. In 2020, our revenue was approximately DKK 6.2 billion, and we employ around 2,100 employees.

    More information
    Ulrik Frøhlke, Media Relations Manager
    Phone: +45 27 77 99 68

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