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    Sulfur removal | Sulfuric acid production

    Achieve compliance and maintain profitability

    Sulfur emissions standards are constantly tightening, forcing industrial, chemical, refining, and metallurgical operations to find ways to comply with legislation and maintain profitability.

    Whether you are driven by a need to remove sulfur compounds from off-gasses, you want to produce sulfuric acid for sale or captive use, or both - it is possible to keep emissions low without excessive operating costs.

    Now, you can handle sulfurous off-gasses and convert sulfur compounds into commercial-grade, concentrated sulfuric acid with best-in-class energy economy. You can also produce sulfuric acid based on elemental sulfur as a stand-alone solution or in combination with off-gas treatment.

    Our WSA units reduce emissions in several industries including oil refining, natural gas upgrading, gasification, coking, metallurgy, viscose, and pulp and paper production.

    If you have a dry gas sulfuric acid plant and need a new catalyst charge, click here. The VK series of catalysts can help you achieve higher capacity, lower emissions or lower pressure drops simultaneously.

    Protect your profit with cost-effective sulfuric acid production solutions

    With our solutions and services, you gain the know-how and technology needed to produce your own sulfuric acid from sulfur or off-gasses. Pave the way for new business opportunities, create a cost-effective lifecycle, and protect your profit with sulfuric acid production solutions that solve challenges and create opportunities for your business.



    VK59 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK59 is a cesium-promoted catalyst optimized for medium to high strength SO2 gasses with continuous ...

    VK38 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    The VK38 formulation provides excellent activity over a wide range of operating conditions. VK38 is ...

    VK48 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK48 is a high vanadium version of the standard all-round VK38 catalyst. The catalyst composition ...

    VK69 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK69 is designed specifically for the final pass(es) of double absorption plants. In the lean SO2 ...

    VK-701 LEAP5™ | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    LEAP5™ catalysts are specifically designed for oxidizing SO3-strong gases, and are ideal for use in ...

    VK-WH | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK-WH is a cesium-promoted catalyst designed for continuous operation down to 370°C/700°F in ...

    VK-WL | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK-WL is a cesium-promoted catalyst designed for continuous operation down to 370°C/700°F in lean ...

    VK-WSA | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    The VK-WSA formulation offers excellent activity over a wide range of operating conditions and can ...

    VK-WSX | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    The VK-WSX formulation was developed to offer higher activity in SO2 gasses that are more than 90% ...

    VK-WD | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK-WD is optimized for lean SO2+SO3 gases, such as in a SNOX™ plant or in the bed(s) after the ...

    VK-711 LEAP5™ | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    LEAP5™ catalysts are specifically designed for oxidizing SO3-strong gases, and are ideal for use in ...

    VK38plus | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK38+ is a new potassium-promoted catalyst from Topsoe that has been proven to have higher activity ...

    ST-201 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    ST-201 sulfur guard for final purification A copper based absorbent used for remove minute amounts ...



    Sulfuric acid condenser | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    The WSA condenser in WSA and SNOX™ plants cools the process gas with atmospheric air, typically ...

    Sulfuric acid cooling system | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    The acid cooling system of WSA and SNOX™ The acid cooling system of WSA and SNOX™ plants performs a ...

    Integrated Sulfuric Acid Concentrator (ISAC) | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    The ISAC is a small, packed column placed underneath the WSA condensers in WSA and SNOX™ plants. ...

    Sulfur Oxides Low VElocity filter (SOLVE) | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    Legislation in the WSA space is evolving, with regulations set to grow even more stringent. But ...

    Process licensing


    Wet gas Sulfuric Acid (WSA) technology | Process licensing | Products | Topsoe

    Turn sulfurous emissions into commercial opportunities With our well-proven WSA (Wet gas Sulfuric ...