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    Sulfuric acid | Sulfur dioxide oxidation

    The catalytic SO2 converter is the heart of the sulfuric acid plant and the quality and characteristics of the selected catalysts are crucial to a reliable and energy-efficient operation.

    The catalyst properties are influenced by the chemical composition, the physical properties including the nature of the support material and the manufacturing process. Topsoe VK catalysts are uniquely balanced to combine high and stable activity, robustness, low-pressure drop and a long service life.

    Over the years Topsoe has brought major product breakthroughs to the market, providing the industry with new catalysts for more energy-efficient operation, lower SO2 emissions and higher production rates.

    Topsoe’s VK series comprises five different formulations in a variety of sizes and shapes, effectively covering all operating conditions in any sulfuric acid plant.



    VK59 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK59 is a cesium-promoted catalyst optimized for medium to high strength SO2 gasses with continuous ...

    VK38 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    The VK38 formulation provides excellent activity over a wide range of operating conditions. VK38 is ...

    VK48 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK48 is a high vanadium version of the standard all-round VK38 catalyst. The catalyst composition ...

    VK69 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK69 is designed specifically for the final pass(es) of double absorption plants. In the lean SO2 ...

    VK-701 LEAP5™ | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    LEAP5™ catalysts are specifically designed for oxidizing SO3-strong gases, and are ideal for use in ...

    VK-WH | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK-WH is a cesium-promoted catalyst designed for continuous operation down to 370°C/700°F in ...

    VK-WL | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK-WL is a cesium-promoted catalyst designed for continuous operation down to 370°C/700°F in lean ...

    VK-WSA | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    The VK-WSA formulation offers excellent activity over a wide range of operating conditions and can ...

    VK-WSX | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    The VK-WSX formulation was developed to offer higher activity in SO2 gasses that are more than 90% ...

    VK-WD | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK-WD is optimized for lean SO2+SO3 gases, such as in a SNOX™ plant or in the bed(s) after the ...

    VK-711 LEAP5™ | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    LEAP5™ catalysts are specifically designed for oxidizing SO3-strong gases, and are ideal for use in ...

    VK38plus | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    VK38+ is a new potassium-promoted catalyst from Topsoe that has been proven to have higher activity ...