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    Unconventional feeds | Fischer-Tropsch wax upgrading

    Traditionally considered a waste product and often burnt off in pollution-causing gas flares, associated, stranded, shale gas, and similar gases can now be monetized by conversion into saleable transportation fuels in a Fischer-Tropsch (FT)-based gas-to-liquid (GTL) plant.

    Topsoe’s unique proprietary autothermal reforming (ATR) technology is the market-leading technology for syngas production at GTL plants. Tailored Topsoe catalysts and process designs help plants upgrade the product of FT synthesis by hydrotreating of the liquid fraction. This is done to improve stability and hydrocracking/isomerization of the heavy, waxy fraction when the objective is conversion into clean transportation fuels. Dewaxing may also be required to improve cold-flow properties due to the inherent paraffinic nature of FT products. The result is additional high-quality products for sale and lower overall emissions. 



    TK-609 HyBRIM™ | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    TK-609 HyBRIM™ is a new generation, high-activity NiMo catalyst based on the novel HyBRIM™ ...

    TK-921 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    TK-921 is part of Topsoe’s hydrocracking red series developed for maximum hydrogenation. This is an ...

    TK-928 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    TK-928 is specifically designed for cold-flow improvement (dewaxing) of diesel, renewable diesel ...

    TK-932 | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    TK-932 is specifically designed for cold-flow improvement (dewaxing) of nitrogen-containing diesel, ...

    TK-611 HyBRIM™ | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    TK-611 HyBRIM™ is the latest generation, high-activity NiMo catalyst based on the novel HyBRIM™ ...

    TK-6001 HySwell™ | Catalysts | Products | Topsoe

    TK-6001 HySwell™ is our new ultra high-activity NiMo catalyst for maximum volume swell. TK-6001 ...



    Catalyst support | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    Our Catalyst Support is designed to support the combined weight of the catalyst, support material ...

    Inlet diffuser | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    Our Inlet Diffusers are optimized and customized for every unit, taking into account all your ...

    Scale catcher | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    A common problem in hydroprocessing reactors, is pressure drop build-up caused by various particles ...

    Outlet collector | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    Our Outlet Collector ensures even flow distribution in the bottom bed to maximize catalyst ...

    Quench mixer | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    Our Quench Mixer ensures efficient mixing of catalyst bed effluents from both above and from the ...

    Redistribution tray | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    Our Redistribution Tray ensures uniform redistribution of the mixer effluents to the catalyst bed ...

    Distributor tray | Equipment | Products | Topsoe

    Our Vapor Lift Distributor Tray (VLT) ensures uniform distribution of liquid and gas over the ...

    Process licensing


    Catalytic dewaxing | Process licensing | Products | Topsoe

    Significant cold flow improvement The cold flow properties of higher end-point feeds, tight oils, ...

    Revamping hydroprocessing units | Process licensing | Products | Topsoe

    The Topsoe Approach There are many good business reasons for considering revamping a ...